The State Street Theater of Cardboardia presents the performance "ENTRANCE".
A team of administrators and facecontrollers checks every incoming person for good mood and other prohibited products.
"Service on a coupon!" The sacred ticket is a pass to a multi-stage identification procedure: fingerprints, face or shoe prints, decoding of biorhythms, a screenshot of the retina and a control call. The identified person should be "searched" through the frame, and his physical evidence through an x-ray scanner. Unexpected clean and dirty formalities in the assortment await the guest at the ENTRANCE.
Outside the frame, guests get on an optional "Tour of the Inner World of Man". Or continue on their way, leaving everything unnecessary on the other side of the ENTRANCE.
Reception from Cardboardia is an entrance area to a festival, party or festive public event, where people communicate freely and become facecontrol to each other. ENTRANCE is a checkpoint on a holiday, freedom of humor and self-expression. All decorations are mobile and can be quickly moved, a performance can last up to several hours without interruption. Tours include micro-trips around the territory with the participation of guests. Musical accompaniment of the electric hurdy-gurdy "Ambox".
Artistic Director of the State Theater of Cardboardia and the RDSH Creative Workshop, head of the International project "Cardboardia", organizer of the Russian Union of Street Theaters and Artists, director, producer, performer
Art teacher at the Montessori school. He collaborates with Moscow museums, is a member of the Cardboardia workshop, and is a frequent participant and organizer of children's festivals.